Gloucestershire Business Awards 2017
SME Headshot Photography, Groups and New Appointments
Headshots, full & 3/4 lengths in two locations with two outfits changes - all in 20 minutes
The clients requirements for their staff photography on this job was more extensive than just a couple of standard headshots of around 60+ key staff. With a need for both formal and office environment pictures - the 60+ staff were shot over 4 days at the clients offices near London.
The more extensive shoot list meant increasing the usual 10 minute slot to 20 minutes with each sitter - Allowing time to use TWO locations and two complete lighting setups, each of those with variations on lighting and backgrounds for multiple looks and headshot, 1/2 and 3/4 length shots ALL with 2 outfit changes and with some additional shots for illustrating specific career "roles" on the new website.
With outfit changes this meant that the models were kept busy as well, working between two nearby locations in order to get a broad range of images for all sorts of uses so the client could maximise the use of the images both online, internally, within social media and printed collateral.